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GRASS GIS in the cloud: actinia geoprocessing

Office Desk

"bring algorithm to the data"

exploit GRASS GIS
functionality via

GRASS as a Service

REST API on top
GET /locations
  "locations": [
  "status": "success"
GET /locations/nc_spm_08/mapsets
"process_log": [
    "executable": "g.mapsets",
    "id": "1",
    "parameter": [
    "return_code": 0,
    "run_time": 0.10045695304870605,
    "stderr": [
      "Available mapsets:",
    "stdout": "PERMANENT\nlandsat\nmodis_lst\n"
"process_results": [
GET /locations/nc_spm_08/mapsets/PERMANENT/raster_layers
"process_results": [
GET /locations/nc_spm_08/mapsets/PERMANENT/raster_layers/elevation/render
User defined processing
  • ephemeral
  • persistent
Create custom process chains by chaining the processing tools provided by actinia:
  • GRASS modules
  • importer/exporter
  • python scripts
  • cmd (GDAL, PROJ, snappy)
  • ...
POST /locations/nc_spm_08/processing_async_export
POST /locations/nc_spm_08/mapsets/my_new_mapset/processing_async

    "list": [
        "module": "r.slope.aspect",
        "id": "r_slope_aspect_1",
        "inputs": [
            "param": "elevation",
            "value": "elev_ned_30m@PERMANENT"
        "outputs": [
            "export": {
              "format": "GTiff",
              "type": "raster"
            "param": "slope",
            "value": "elev_ned_30m_slope"
        "flags": "a"
    "version": "1"
1) --> curl -X POST -u myuser:mypassword -d @${PROCESS_CHAIN} \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

JSON with status <-- 2)

3) --> poll status

JSON with resource URLs <-- 4)

5) --> GET resources from URLs

"bring algorithm to the data"
  • via predefined functionalities
  • via Importer (/Exporter)
e.g. Sentinel data (S-1 and S-2) processing with single band access
  • Download from ESA API hub
  • from local storage (as provided by DIAS platforms)
  • Amazon AWS
  • Google Cloud Storages
  • ...
curl -X POST -u myuser:mypassword -d @${PROCESS_CHAIN} \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
## More features - ace (actinia command execution via GRASS GIS) - advanced usage with GRASS addons - openEO support - openeo-grassgis-driver converts processing requests (process graphs) into actinia jobs. The openEO core API (; H2020 project) is a standardized interface supporting multiple backends. - STAC support - Keycloak integration - Process chain templating - ...
## Outlook - enhanced STAC support - combined usage of tiling- and parallel plugin - automatisation of actinia worker startup - more sophisticated job queues and message queues in general - restructure in smaller pieces / microservices - OGC API processes ? - ...

Thank You!

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Icons designed by Freepik, Smashicons and surang from Flaticon